Oversight Committee

The STIBOR Oversight Committee is an independent committee that exercise oversight of the provision of STIBOR.  The Committee’s purpose is to support the integrity, accuracy, and reliability of STIBOR for the benefit of all users and market participants.

The Committee is comprised of a blend of users of STIBOR, independent experts and representatives from STIBOR Panel Banks. Guests, such as representatives from market associations, stakeholder committees, market infrastructure providers and other users of the Benchmark, may be invited to participate on a non-voting basis.

The Oversight Committee consists of the following members:

Per Henriksson (Chairman) – Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Marcus Larsson (Handelsbanken) – Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Martin Rydin (LF Bank) – Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Tomas Ernhagen (Independent) – Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Per Åkerlind  (Independent) – Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Ulf Jakobsson (Independent) – Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

The Committee has the primary governance oversight of the methodology, determination and dissemination of STIBOR. Key responsibilities of the Oversight Committees include the following:

  • Reviewing the definition and methodology of STIBOR;
  • Overseeing any changes to the benchmark methodology;
  • Overseeing the control framework in regard to the provision of STIBOR

The Committee shall assess and challenge the decisions of the Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility and the Board with regards to the provision of STIBOR to ensure the requirements are being met.

Click here to read the Terms of Reference of the Oversight Committee.

The Minutes of the Oversight Committee meetings

Oversight Committee

Oversight Committee Minutes 13 June 2024

Oversight Committee

Oversight Committee Minutes 14 March 2024

Oversight Committee

Oversight Committee Minutes 14 December 2023

Oversight Committee

Oversight Committee Minutes 14 September 2023