Complaints Portal

The purpose of SFBF is to support the integrity, accuracy and reliability of STIBOR for the benefit of all users of the benchmark and reliant market participants. It aims to fulfill its purpose without creating cause for complaints by its customers, market participants, end users or the broad stakeholder community. However, SFBF understands and accepts that at times its actions may impact on its customers and others in a way that may lead to informal and/or formal complaints. SFBF takes all complaints seriously and has implemented this Complaints Handling Procedure to deal with these issues in the best interests of business improvement, and efficiency.

Confidentiality of complaint
Complaints filed with the Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility should include contact details for the relevant person(s) making the complaint so that decisions can be deliverd to the accurate recipient and follow-ups be conducted if necessary.

Generally, the complaint and any information related to it, is kept confidential except with the consent of the complainant. Should confidentiality be requested, the identity of the complainant, as well as any element of the complaint, will be kept confidential at all stages of the process and only transmitted to the relevant governing bodies of the Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility, unless obliged to disclose the identity of the complainant in the event of any subsequent judicial proceedings or in case of an investigation by regulatory and supervisory agencies.

Handling of Personal Information
Personal information is handled in a manner consistent with the Swedish Personal Information laws, on the Protection of Personal Data and GDPR. This refers to maintaining confidentiality of personal information of the complainant.

The Complaints Register
The Compliance Officer maintains a Complaints Register. In respect of each complaint, the Complaints Register contains a Complaint Form completed by the complainant through the SFBF website and copies of all correspondence between the SFBF and the complainant. Complaints documentation is subject to the record-keeping policies of the SFBF.

Contact us
Please share your complaint using our contact form, or reach out to us via email or letter;

Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility
Blasieholmsgatan 4B, Box 7603
103 94 Stockholm, Sweden


Complaints Form

I require that my identity remains confidential, to the extent possible.

Max. 1000 characters.


Complaints Handling Policy