FAQ on Compliance & Governace

  • Compliance

    Is STIBOR BMR compliant?

    Yes. The Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility (‘SFBF’) have made changes to the STIBOR calculation methodology to better align the benchmark with the requirements in the Benchmark Regulation (EU) and related regulations.

    SFBF is as of April 21, 2023, authorised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (‘Finansinspektionen’) to operate as a benchmark administrator pursuant to Article 34.1.a of the EU Benchmarks Regulation (‘BMR’).

    SFBF has been added to the European Securities and Markets Authority’s register of administrators under the BMR. Finansinspektionen will conduct ongoing supervision of SFBF as an administrator of STIBOR in accordance with the requirements set out in the BMR.



  • Compliance

    Provision of services toward Russian entities

    In line with the sanctions officially adopted by the EU’s foreign ministers against Russian entities from February 2022, the Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility (SFBF) and its Calculation Agent have conducted a full review of all vendors, exchange and subscription relationships. SFBF has, as of today, no Russian exposure.