Application for Authorisation under BMR – Update


The Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility lodged an application for becoming an authorised administrator in accordance with the (EU) Benchmark Regulation (BMR) with Finansinspektionen, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority on 27 December 2021. The application for authorisation is currently being processed by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.  

SFBF will remain available to, and in dialogue with, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority regarding the application and its content during the full process.  

STIBOR remains eligible and can be used for existing and new financial contracts, financial instruments or for measuring investment funds, during the application process as per BMR article 51, unless or until the authorisation is refused. 

We will be providing regular updates linked to the application for authorisation and other relevant information useful to interested stakeholders.  At this point in time, we do not have any indications on when a decision will be made by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority on the application.